学生倡导办公室为基于权力的个人暴力的幸存者提供各种回应和支持服务, 比如性暴力, 暴力的关系, stalking, 性骚扰, 性剥削, etc.
The Director of Student Advocacy serves as a Victim’s Advocate, a trained professional to support survivors of crime.
皇冠投注的律师提供 安全、保密的空间 让一个幸存者说出发生了什么, 幸存者的感受, and help empower the survivor to navigate the path to healing.
皇冠投注的律师知道 different offices, services, or reporting processes 这些都是幸存者可以使用的,可以帮助解释每个人如何帮助幸存者做出明智的决定.
- 危机管理: Sometimes a person needs to process what they’ve experienced with a knowledgeable, professional person who can listen and provide emotional support without judgment, 皇冠投注很荣幸能够以这种身份服务
- 安全计划: 一个安全计划可以帮助一个人考虑可用的资源和选择,并制定一个计划,以确保他们在经历创伤性事件时的安全
- 创伤教育: 在经历了创伤性事件后,了解身体和情感身体发生了什么可以带来巨大的不同
- 讨论应对策略/技巧: 当事情变得艰难时,皇冠投注都有自己的策略来照顾自己, 但在面对创伤性事件时,探索应对和自我照顾的新选择可能是有益的
- Assistance with No Contact Orders/Protection Orders: 如果某人已经或正在积极造成伤害,你可以通过法律和大学两种方式正式要求他们远离你
- 学术住宿要求: Succeeding in school can become difficult after experiencing a traumatic event, 所以皇冠投注可以与第九条和你们的教授合作,帮助你们继续取得成功
- 讨论报告选项: There are several ways to report sexual misconduct, both within the university and within the criminal justice system; we’re happy to help talk you through what those options are so you can choose the one that works best for you
- 担任第九条顾问: 作为教育法第九条正式调查的一部分, all parties are required to have an advisor to assist throughout the process; we are happy to serve in this role as needed
- 往返医院的交通: When there is a need for medical intervention at a hospital, 比如法医检查, we are happy to provide transportation and support
- Referrals to Counseling (both on and off campus): 对于那些经历过创伤性事件的人来说,咨询是一种强有力的支持措施,皇冠投注尽最大努力将学生与最能帮助他们的资源联系起来
- Referrals to On and 校外资源 and Agencies: When the Office cannot provide a particular service, 皇冠投注将永远把幸存者与提供这些服务的资源联系起来
As a student who has experienced sexual misconduct:
- 你有权享受一个没有骚扰或报复的教育环境
- 如果你经历过任何形式的不当性行为(性别歧视),你有权向学校举报, 性骚扰, 性暴力, 亲密伴侣暴力, stalking, or 性剥削) through the Title IX Office
- You have the right to interim housing and reasonable academic accommodations
- 你有权得到咨询和支持
- 你有权向执法部门举报,寻求对肇事者采取法律行动
- You have the right to request that no further action be taken by the university
- 在整个大学调查过程中,你有权得到一名支持人员
- 你有权通过性侵犯法医检查保留性侵犯的物证, free of charge with or without reporting to law enforcement
- 你有权申请 Crime Victim Compensation through the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute
- You have the right to appeal a determination or sanction
- 你有权寻求法律建议
你有权访问一个 grievance process through the Office of Civil Rights
If a friend or someone you know was sexually assaulted, they may experience a wide range of emotional reactions. For some, the emotional impact of sexual assault can be immediate and short-term. 对其他人来说,这种影响可能是持久的. Your friend may find it helpful to talk about these feelings.
Listen. 你的朋友选择和你说话表明了他们对你的尊重和信任. 重要的是要知道,并不是所有的受害者都选择在强奸后立即说出自己的经历, 可能是几年以后. Be a good listener, act empathetically, but let your friend talk. 不要追问细节.
Believe them. 幸存者需要证实他们的经历. Be sure your friend knows that you support them.
不要责怪幸存者. Sexual assault is an act of domination and humiliation. 没有人应该被强奸. 幸存者经常责怪自己,如果你强调袭击不是他们的错,可能会有所帮助.
让幸存者控制局面. 让你的朋友决定你的康复速度. Help your friend understand the options available, and encourage your friend to keep her or his options open. 在这种情况下提供一个倾听和支持,但要小心不要控制. Act as a facilitator for whatever decisions that they choose to take.
Encourage the survivor to get medical attention as soon as possible. 印第安纳波利斯所有的急诊室都有一个希望中心,由一名受过专门训练的性侵犯检查护士免费提供服务. 尽快寻求医疗照顾将使幸存者对自己的健康有选择,如果他们选择对犯罪者采取法律行动,将使他们有更多的控制权. 圣. 文森特和IU-Methodist因为靠近皇冠投注网而被推荐.
不要害怕寻求外界的帮助. Your friend may need medical attention or counseling. Offer to help your friend with access to a victim advocate, 咨询服务 or other support either on campus or within the community. Regardless of how much time has passed since the assault, the survivor can receive counseling and referrals from 咨询服务.
Understand your own feelings yet, attempt to control your own emotions. You may also feel confused, hurt, angry or frightened. 这种感觉很正常. Please keep in mind your reaction to the situation as well; do not attempt to approach the perpetrator on your own. Do not try to retaliate against the perpetrator either. It is important that you act in a way that is respectful of the survivor’s wishes.
不要害怕寻求外界的帮助. Find someone other than the survivor to talk with about your feelings. 与某人交谈 咨询服务 or another individual will assist you in managing your own emotions. 您可以在位于健康和娱乐中心的咨询服务中心获得咨询服务.
了解并尊重自己的极限. There is only so much you can do to help your friend. 你可以提供支持, compassion, 当你的朋友需要陪伴的时候, but try not to make commitments that you can’t fulfill.
记住这不是你的错. 你可能会感到内疚,认为自己本可以阻止朋友的性侵犯. 别忘了性侵犯是一种暴力犯罪,你不必为别人的行为负责.
Realize that coping with sexual assault is a long-term process. 强奸的影响可能需要数月或数年才能显现出来,它不会随着时间的推移而消失. Make sure to give yourself and your friend ample time to heal. 彼此要有耐心.
在创造一个确保每个人都能充分参与并从皇冠投注网提供的机会中受益的环境中,所有皇冠投注员工都扮演着重要的角色, 不管他们的性别.
大多数大学雇员, 包括学生雇员, 也有义务向学校报告,当他们意识到性行为不端的事件. 如果一个负责任的员工收到关于性行为不端事件的信息, they must report the incident to the University as soon as possible.
Under Title IX, responsible employees include those who:
- Have the authority to take action or redress sexual misconduct
- Have a duty to report sexual misconduct to appropriate school officials, or
- A student could reasonably believe has this authority or duty
- 提供课程指导的人, 无论是当面还是在网上, 包括全职和兼职教师, adjuncts, 及助教
- Advisors
- Coaches and athletics staff who interact with students
- 学生事务处职员: 除了心理咨询服务、健康服务和学生维权主任
- Residence Life staff members, including Resident Assistants
- Those who work in offices or areas that interface with students
Cell Phone: 317-910-5572
Office Phone: 317-940-2047
非工作时间协助: The Victim Advocate phone number can be called any time. 非营业时间, 呼叫者将收到一条消息,其中列出了两种全天候可用的资源:机密资源 朱利安中心危机热线(317-920-9320) or 皇冠投注网 Police Department (317-940-9396).
Counseling & 咨询服务
Location: Health & 康乐中心120
Office Phone: 317-940-9385
Hours: Monda, 8:00 AM–5:00 PM; Tuesday and Wednesday, 8:00 AM–6:00 PM; Thursday, 8:00 AM–5:00 PM; Friday, 上午8:00 -下午4:00
Location: Health & 康乐中心110
Office Phone: 317-940-9385
Office Phone: 317-940-8252
Hours: conversations are best made by appointment, email Rev. Meyers (dgmyers@maqve.com)
Note: only ordained clergy members are confidential within 指南针中心
位于印第安纳波利斯地区的医院,配备了性侵犯护士审查员(SANEs), 希望中心提供免费服务, 为遭受性暴力和/或亲密伴侣暴力的人提供保密的医疗援助和证据收集.
The locations closest to 皇冠投注网 are:
- St. 文森特医院
2001 W. 86th Street
317-338-3756 - 卫理公会医院
1701 N. Senate Avenue
317-962-4673 - Eskenazi医院
朱利安中心 is one of two Rape Crisis Centers in Marion County. Their primary focus is to assist those who have experienced 性暴力, 亲密伴侣暴力, 通过合作倡导和支持来实现长期安全, 稳定和自给自足.
Location: 2011 N. 子午线街
24小时危机热线: 317-920-9320
朱利安中心 provides the following free and confidential services:
- Collaborative Advocacy—meet with a trained and dedicated advocate
- 创伤咨询
- 倡导者领导的支持小组
- Art Therapy
- Legal Services Coordination (non-criminal legal issues)
- 自给自足的服务
- 病例管理
萤火虫的孩子 & 家庭联盟
萤火虫的孩子 & 家庭联盟 is a local agency providing a wide range of services and support.
Location: 多个位置
Phone: 317-634-5050 (Ask to speak with a sexual assault advocate)
- 电话和面对面的宣传
- 情感支持
- 协助执行保护令
- 法院支持
- 通过刑事司法系统提供指导
- 安全计划
- 社区资源推荐
- 为亲人提供支持
倡导者为所有幸存者提供支持, 不分种族, ethnicity, religion, age, or disability. Advocates are trained to work with the LGBTQ+ community and male survivors. 服务也可以用西班牙语提供.
Prevail Inc.
Located just north of Indianapolis in Hamilton County, Prevail provides free, 向遭受性暴力和/或亲密伴侣暴力的人提供保密的宣传和支持服务.
Location: 1100 S. 诺布尔斯维尔第九街
Phone: 317-773-6942
24小时危机热线: 317-776-3472
- 24小时危机干预
- 保护令协助
- 安全计划
- Court support